Friday, April 29, 2011

The Simple Golf Swing Will Lower Your Handicap

Why do so many golfers struggle with the conventional swing? The fact is that not many people have the natural ability or physical ability to swing a golf club like a PGA Tour professional. So, it surprises me that the vast majority of golfers still try to dominate a swing that they can never hope to play effectively with.

Many high handicap golfers are impressed with Tigers swing and would like to copy it - don't bother! If you try to copy that swing you will never be a consistent or accurate hitter of the golf ball. But there is a solution; learn the simple swing.

The simple swing is one that I shunned for many years, stubbornly persisting with the conventional swing. Why? Because all the golf coaches that gave me lessons were teaching the traditional swing. I would get to the point where I would be hitting one perfect golf swing out of five shots - talk about inconsistency!

Then I discovered a golf swing guru that was teaching a swing that was like no other. But, like I said before, I didn't try it out at first as I thought that it was too late to try messing with a new swing.

Things changed though after I had back surgery - the doctors told me that golf would be out of the question. I stopped playing for a year but golf was in my veins; I wanted to play so badly. That is when I re-read the simple golf swing that was developed by a true golf swing guru.
You see, one benefit of this swing is that it places less stress on the lower back as it uses a shorter backswing. Even if you have no physical impediment you should think about changing to this swing if you are consistently struggling with your game. The conventional swing takes countless hours of practice to perfect, whereas the simple swing is so easy to learn.
This swing is primarily aimed at the high handicap golfer. By learning an easier swing with less moving parts, you will quickly (sometimes under three weeks) enjoy a repeatable swing which will give you consistency on the course. High handicap players typically can lower their handicaps by 7 to 14 shots.

For the low handicap golfer who wants to improve their consistency, they can take parts of the simple swing and incorporate them into their own swing. The resulting hybrid swing will generally enable them to lower their handicaps by 2 to 4 strokes.

The whole idea of the game of golf is to have fun. Well, it is no fun if you are shooting in the 100's and can't lower your handicap year after year. You need a swing that is easy to implement and is repeatable; a swing that leads to solid impact and consistency time after time.
If you are tired of inconsistent and inaccurate shots and high scores, or even if you are just starting to learn the game, why not start of on the right foot by learning the simple swing. Let the golf swing guru show you how much more fun golf can be when you can hit shot after shot straight down the fairway.

Get more Tips on how to Improve your Golf Swing here

The Simple Golf Swing Review - Is the Golf Swing Guru Worth Your Time?

The simple golf swing aka the golf swing guru is one of the most popular golf guides available today. David Nevogt is the author of this guide and a well known expert golfer. He claims to take off 7-12 strokes out of your game in a matter of time.

But is this promise just a fake or is the simple golf swing as good as stated? Well, the golf swing guru is one of the best training guides you can get. It is well written and fully understandable. If you follow his recommendations you will see results faster than you think.

It is goes in detail on how to grip your club and why a good stance is so important if you want to maximize power and distance. The pictures are very professional and easy to understand.
David goes also in detail with the right swing timing and even helps you with your short game. As a golfer you will know how important these 2 aspects are. A lot of other guides does not provide all the details of the game. The golf swing guru does and you will see improvements in every aspect of your game.

One of the biggest advantages is that you can have immediate access to your book because it is fully downloadable. This means no waiting and you can start right away with your training.
The book is the core product here but you get a lot of valuable and free bonus like DVD clips which show you the correct movements. You also get swing analyzer software, live teleseminars,weekly tips and lessons, worksheets and much more.

As you can see the whole package of the training course is very useful and it is worth your time! If you want to better your game this guide is for you.

Need Help with your Golf Swing then check out this Guide for more Info.

My Simple Golf Swing: Great guide to help you improve your golf swing

Well, that is what I am doing right now. I have a pretty good golf swing right now but will it be there next Spring. It is not a simple swing. It is not a repeatable swing. It is not an accurate swing. And it is not the best for my body.

Therefore, I am on the search for a golf swing that is simple, repeatable and easy to remember.
All of the teachers, certified instructors or professional golfers have different methods for gripping the club, addressing the ball, squeezing the club, posture, back swing, down swing or front swing, upright swing or flat swing, hit it hard or hit it with 75% swing or 60% swing, etc.
So how is anyone suppose to know what to do? Do you get confused? I do!

I used to have a great golf swing and it was the perfect golf swing for me, but I could not have anyone learn to use my swing with any success. So, here I am 12 years after I quit golf trying to figure out how to get my golf swing back or find a simple easy to use and repeatable swing.
I am attempting the easy method. Why you may ask? Well, I am getting older and complex things are not good for my memory. I need to be simple and easy so that I don't tax my brain.
I think that the average league golfer needs a nice simple swing that is easy to use, easy to remember and easy to repeat.

Just grab your club, get up there, address your ball, find your direction and execute the simple golf swing. Wow, that was even easy to say!

I have finally found the easy simple golf swing. I have been all over the Internet and have finally found this simple swing for us.
It is simple to use and can be remembered from now until next year. The swing is a simple grip it and pull the club back half way pause and then follow through. Simple and easy.

You must use a simple and easy tempo and rhythm even if you don't change to a simple golf swing. I see to many golfers that have a very fast back swing and it throws them all off balance.
For a good tempo try the 1-2 back and then 1-2 forward as you accelerate on the forward swing.
I have found the perfect putting and chip methods to use and I will practice those strokes to make sure that when I don't hit the green with my pitch shot or approach shot, whatever you want to call it, I can get up and down in two for my par.

What I do here is to use the 1-2 tempo, choke down on the wedge or whatever club may be used, keep my head still and play the shot off of my back foot at the toe with the weight on my opposite or leading foot.

There is one other thing that helps me judge how hard to hit the ball and that is to do the following. I will stand there facing the location of the pin and try to imagine throwing a ball underhanded. With this toss I will imagine where the ball lands and how far it may roll. I then hit the ball and it does what I expect most of the time.

To get More Details on how to Fix your Golf Swing here.

The Simple Golf Swing Ebook Review - Is It Any Good?

The Simple Golf Swing ebook by David Nevogt is a popular Golf swing improvement program. It has been used by thousands around the world. But is it really that good?

The Simple Golf Swing isn't perfect, but it does hold a great deal of valuable information. The author, David Nevogt, clearly knows the game, and also knows how to write and explain things in simple terms that each reader can understand. This is very important, because I've seen golf guides which were written by expert players but were incomprehensible. This e-book is really that simple. You'll be able to implement the things you learn from this ebook in no time.
The Simple Golf Swing ebook touches upon all the elements of the swing: back, down, stance, follow through, etc. It presents a lot of common mistakes and the way to correct them quickly. If you have a lot of slices or hooks, this ebook can probably help you to reduce or even eliminate them.

If you plan on using this e-book, you need to understand that it will require you to apply all the things you learn on the practicing range and on the course. This isn't a magical cure for all of your golfing woes. You will have to work. But at least you'll know what you're doing wrong and how to correct it. It can save you a lot of time and frustration.

Here is the pivotal promise of this program: David Nevogt claims that the his ebook can shave 7-12 strokes off your game. How well does this program fulfill this promise?
Each golfer plays the game differently from the next. Therefore, each one will be able to apply and use the Simple Golf Swing program in a different manner. Some players will improve by only 5 strokes, others by as much as 12. So the promise of shaving 7 strokes isn't accurate for every user, but it's close to the average.

The price: As golf lessons can cost 80$ or more, the Simple Golf Swing program can actually save you money. And besides, it has a money back guarantee, so you have nothing to worry about.

Get More Info on the Simple Golf Swing here to help you shave strokes off your Golf Swing

Simple Golf Swing - How to Improve your Golf Swing

The Simple Golf Swing is published by golf expert David Nevogt. The guide has been designed to help anyone with an 18 handicap or bigger. It will even improve the scores of more experienced golfers.

This excellent guide will help you learn a revolutionary new grip, setup, and alignment technique in a simple format with clear pictures and illustrations to show you how to do it.

The Simple Golf Swing uses the golfers' spine as the focal point of the swing. As your shoulders rotate on the backswing, the spine operates as an axis. The back-swing is shorter than most swings taught so it takes a few practice shots to get used to, but following this excellent system will make your drives straighter and longer but with very little lost power. Following the rules in this guide will improve your shot consistency and drop your score.

This system - because it really is more than just a simple book - guarantees to lengthen your range and reduce your strokes by up to 10 in just two weeks. While this may sound incredible, it's actually easily done when you consider how many penalty strokes are earned in an average round, how many yards are lost in a typical drive and how many times balls end up in the rough! This step-by-step course helps take the guessing out of your swing.

Simply put, this system works. If you're a beginner or bogey golfer you'll find this invaluable to help you improve your score now, not in ten or twenty years! More experienced players will also find tips to improve your game. Not sure if it's right for you? Don't worry as it's covered by a no-questions-asked money back guarantee!

Here are some of the things the Simple Golf Swing program contains:
- The secrets to a winning swing plane - How to gain more confidence on the course - How to manage your emotions - Simple tricks to change your hand action and add measurable distance to your shots - Different grip styles and which work best - Clubface alignment that will give you confidence on every tee. - Simple techniques to hit more greens and get closer to the hole
You can have all of the greatest equipment, wear the best clothes and it won't help you one bit until you can consistently hit the ball long and straight. The Simple Golf Swing will teach these fundamentals in no time.

A golf pro will easily charge $80 per hour. You can pick up this system for a fraction of this price as a one-off expense. Also included is a lifetime of free updates as they become available! You'll also get 8 great bonuses.

Check this Guide out to Fix your Golf Swing Now!

Perfect Golf Swing - the Simple Golf Swing Review

Does dropping your handicap by AT LEAST 7 strokes in a week sound impossible? This downloadable e-book, The Simple Golf Swing by David Nevogt, guarantees to do so. I thought this might me a load of crap at first, but I was pleasantly surprised.
So what makes The Simple Golf Swing so different from other books?
The Simple Golf Swing is about using the spine as an axis to promote consistency and to keep you on the correct swing plane. You'll learn the correct hand action so that you can add distance to every shot. You'll learn the correct timing to get straight ball flight, and consistent direction. You get a step-by-step guide on the full swing, a step-by-step guide on the short game, a mental guide, and personal coaching to make all of this happen quickly and easily.

Some of the things that you will learn:
Unique setup
Timing Drill
Alignment Drill
Backswing (2 unique steps)
Downswing (1 unique step)
Follow through (1 unique step) You will be able to learn and embrace each of these steps quickly. They are each crucial to lowering your handicap and making solid impact with the ball. The Simple Golf Swing will teach you a controlled swing. The advantage of a controlled swing is that you will be able to increase or decrease your swing speed, according to the current situation, and yardage variances.Whether you are hitting a driver or a nine iron, you can put the exact same swing on the ball and know that you are going to make solid contact with the ball. Consistency is the goal with The Simple Golf Swing, and that's why you will benefit from it.
The Simple Golf Swing is also different because it was built for the Bogey + golfer. It's developed for the majority of golfers; the golfers who want to break 80, 85, or 90. It brakes down the golf swing, and builds it from the bottom up so that the average golfer now has a solid reference point for every component of the golf swing.

What you really gain from The Simple Golf Swing:
You will find a step-by-step guide with detailed photos that will teach you the correct way to grip the club. Instructions for the interlocking and the overlapping grip are included. This will let you experiment to see what works best for YOU.
Learn a method to check that you grip the club in the same manner for every shot to promote consistency.
Learn a detailed procedure that will ensure that your grip promotes straight ball flight, and not a hook or a slice.
Learn a secret on how to align the club face so that you don't push the ball right.
Discover an easy method to hit more greens.

Learn the revolutionary setup. "The Simple Golf Swing" setup allows you to swing around your spine. The key is to limit the amount of horizontal and vertical body movement during the swing. This setup will automatically give you the correct swing plane that promotes consistency and power. It's given to you in a step-by-step procedure that is easy to remember on the course.
Discover the easiest way to make perfect impact with the ball on every shot.
You may have heard of the one-piece takeaway. Learn the method that will help you master this move, and keep your swing connected. This is the most beneficial part of the system. It provides consistency, and gives you a controlled swing that results in increased distance.
Learn how to get to the top of your backswing, and how to get into the same position for every shot. "The Simple Golf Swing" teaches you a method that promotes an inside-out swing that you can use to automatically hit the fairway.
Learn where to stop your backswing. A short backswing promotes consistency, and increased distance.

Discover the distance secret that many instructors don't even address because it's so hard to teach. Here's a hint: Hand Action that can increase your swing speed by 10 mph.

Get More Tips on How to Improve your Golf Swing here.

The Simple Golf Swing Review - Takes the Mystery Out of Golf

Golf can be incredibly frustrating if you don't have the natural skills of Tiger Woods or Ernie Els. The Simple Golf Swing is a system of golf lessons that can teach you how to improve your game, even if you will never hit the tournament circuit. Don't be the guy everyone waits for as you fish your ball out of the water anymore. Use the tips and techniques from the system to take your game out of the rough and back onto the green where it belongs.

1. How Does The Simple Golf Swing Work?
The system works on all the aspects of the game of golf with step by step instructions and skill builders that build on one another. Take the system one piece at a time and you will be amazed at how quickly you can accomplish a new and effective swinging style.
2. What Will You Learn From The Simple Golf Swing?
The Simple Golf Swing is centered around the way the body twists. It mainly focuses on the spine. This system will teach you how to use your spine as an axis as you rotate your body smoothly around it to connect the club with the ball. It sounds complicated, but the method is very easy to learn and you will see the difference in your swing right away. It is possible to learn the entire system in as little as three hours and begin to use it on your next trip to the golf course.
3. Straight Shots Will Lower Scores.
The Simple Golf Swing also teaches you how to handle the club and approach the ball so your shots won't veer off course and into the trees or sand traps every time. You'll learn the right way to grip the club and control the head of the club so that it strikes the ball completely flush. The system also gives you valuable tips that will improve the timing of your swing, which will improve your control of how hard you hit the ball and how high and straight it flies. When the ball goes where you want it to your scores will start to drop dramatically.

Lower your Golf Swing 7 Strokes Now!

Simple Golf Swing

Aside from a full swing eBook which will help you to become the best golfer, you can also try the Simple Golf Swing, and make it as your golf guru. The Simple Golf Swing is a downloadable program where you can get all the facts and information, and as well as it can give you a step by step guide for you to make the best swing in any segment of the game.
Techniques and advices of the top 100 instructors in golf are being put up in one with this simple golf book for you. This book contains golf instructions that will provide you great tips in order to become a good golfer. It also offers an apprentice program that has golf member all over the world, and every tips and techniques were simply made for you to understand them well.
The Simple Golf Swing is also been considered as a complete golf guru package, since it includes all instructions like full swing instruction, chipping, sand, putting, driving, mental, physical and training aids which will help you enhance your golf skills. Grab the chance of improving your golf swing since it is the main reason for you to earn a score and not the prestigious golf club that you are playing for.

Ready to Shave Strokes from your Golf Game than check out our Guide Here!

If you are having golf problems and you find it hard to solve such problem, this book can offer you lot of answer since it can provide you the best training, and it has been proven effective by many golfers all over the world. David Nevogt had developed this system "The Simple Golf Swing", and from the time it started, it had helped lots of golfers of about 16, 452 during their past three years.

The book gained a 95% success rate, and golfers were able to overcome their problems in playing golf, and hence, they improved their skills more. You will not have a hard time following the golf techniques in such book since, it is being stated in a step by step manner, and photos are also being included for you to have a clear picture on what is the right thing to do while following the golf instructions. Purchase this book now, and make it as your daily golf guru.

The Simple Golf Swing book can teach you lot of golf techniques which will help you gain the best swing technique and making your game more beautiful. It will also teach you consistency and as well as easy method for you to hit more greens, and thus, earning more scores.
With this book, you can be able to learn the consistency and increased distance that many gurus find it hard to teach, yet, it is being included in this book. Aside from gaining all these tactics in golf, you can also have the chance to develop your confidence while familiarizing and mastering all the important skills in golfing.
Help you gain more self confidence from the time that you have mastered the golf skills.
It helps you increase your consistency and accuracy in playing your game. Cons
It requires much effort in order to follow the given techniques in golf.