Friday, April 29, 2011

My Simple Golf Swing: Great guide to help you improve your golf swing

Well, that is what I am doing right now. I have a pretty good golf swing right now but will it be there next Spring. It is not a simple swing. It is not a repeatable swing. It is not an accurate swing. And it is not the best for my body.

Therefore, I am on the search for a golf swing that is simple, repeatable and easy to remember.
All of the teachers, certified instructors or professional golfers have different methods for gripping the club, addressing the ball, squeezing the club, posture, back swing, down swing or front swing, upright swing or flat swing, hit it hard or hit it with 75% swing or 60% swing, etc.
So how is anyone suppose to know what to do? Do you get confused? I do!

I used to have a great golf swing and it was the perfect golf swing for me, but I could not have anyone learn to use my swing with any success. So, here I am 12 years after I quit golf trying to figure out how to get my golf swing back or find a simple easy to use and repeatable swing.
I am attempting the easy method. Why you may ask? Well, I am getting older and complex things are not good for my memory. I need to be simple and easy so that I don't tax my brain.
I think that the average league golfer needs a nice simple swing that is easy to use, easy to remember and easy to repeat.

Just grab your club, get up there, address your ball, find your direction and execute the simple golf swing. Wow, that was even easy to say!

I have finally found the easy simple golf swing. I have been all over the Internet and have finally found this simple swing for us.
It is simple to use and can be remembered from now until next year. The swing is a simple grip it and pull the club back half way pause and then follow through. Simple and easy.

You must use a simple and easy tempo and rhythm even if you don't change to a simple golf swing. I see to many golfers that have a very fast back swing and it throws them all off balance.
For a good tempo try the 1-2 back and then 1-2 forward as you accelerate on the forward swing.
I have found the perfect putting and chip methods to use and I will practice those strokes to make sure that when I don't hit the green with my pitch shot or approach shot, whatever you want to call it, I can get up and down in two for my par.

What I do here is to use the 1-2 tempo, choke down on the wedge or whatever club may be used, keep my head still and play the shot off of my back foot at the toe with the weight on my opposite or leading foot.

There is one other thing that helps me judge how hard to hit the ball and that is to do the following. I will stand there facing the location of the pin and try to imagine throwing a ball underhanded. With this toss I will imagine where the ball lands and how far it may roll. I then hit the ball and it does what I expect most of the time.

To get More Details on how to Fix your Golf Swing here.

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